
Kamen Rider Kabuto (2006)

Synopsis : The story revolves around a man named Souji Tendou. He has trained seven years while waiting for the Kabuto Zecter so that he may properly take up the name of Kamen Rider Kabuto. Making many enemies while at the same time meeting other Riders with mysterious origins of how they got there, Tendou attempts to accomplish his goal at all costs: destroying all Worms that otherwise threaten humanity. He meets Arata Kagami, who later becomes Kamen Rider Gatack, the two work together to save humanity from the alien Worms that arrived from a meteorite seven years ago. Indowebster

Episodes :
  1. The Strongest Man ("Saikyo Otoko")
  2. The First Two-Step Transformation ("Hatsu Ni-dan Henshin")
  3. I am Justice!! ("Ore wa Seigi!!")
  4. Love Explanation!! ("Ai o Toku!!")
  5. Order to Capture!! ("Hokaku Shirei!!")
  6. My Flower ("Ore-sama no Hana")
  7. #2 Appears ("Nigo Shin Tojo")
  8. Angry Tofu ("Ikareru Tofu")
  9. TheBee's Insanity!! ("Hachi no Ranshin!!")
  10. I'm Not Your Friend ("Tomo ja Nee")
  11. The Party Burns ("Gokon Moeyu")
  12. The Makeup Thousand-Man Cut ("Kesho Sennin Giri")
  13. The Team Dissolves ("Chimu Kaisan")
  14. Back of the Back of the Back ("Ura no Ura no Ura")
  15. The Monster Noted Doctor!? ("Kaijin Meii!?")
  16. An Impossible Storm ("Masaka no Arashi")
  17. Restored Memories!! ("Yomigaeru Kioku!!")
  18. Farewell, Gon... ("Saraba Gon...")
  19. Scorpion Millionaire ("Sasori Fugo")
  20. Eh, Jiiya? ("Nee, Jiiya?")
  21. VS. Stag Beetle ("Tai Kuwagata")
  22. Birth of a Special Compilation ("Tanjo Tokubetsu Hen")
  23. Riddle + Riddle = X ("Nazo Tasu Nazo Wa Ekkusu")
  24. The Ramen Way ("Ramen Do")
  25. The Proud Searchlight ("Ogoru Sosasen")
  26. Love That Shook the Earth ("Gekishin Suru Ai")
  27. Me!? A Murderer ("Ore!? Satsujinhan")
  28. Why!? Death ("Naze!? Zetsumei")
  29. The Dark Kitchen ("Yami Kitchin")
  30. Miso Soup Ascension ("Misoshiru Shoten")
  31. Shocking Fact ("Shogeki no Jijitsu")
  32. Puzzle Unraveled!! ("Tokeru Nazo!!")
  33. The Sprouting Adjutant ("Moeru Fukukan")
  34. Breaking Super Evolution ("Kudake Cho Shinka")
  35. The Hellish Brothers ("Jigoku no Kyodai")
  36. Red Shoes' Recklessness ("Akai Kutsu Boso")
  37. School's Ghost Story ("Gakko no Kaidan")
  38. The Dangerous Younger Sister ("Abunai Imoto")
  39. The Powerful Black Opponent ("Kyoteki Kuro Kabu")
  40. The Saddest Battle ("Saidai no Aisen")
  41. The Strongest Defeated ("Yabureru Saikyo")
  42. Worst Terror VS. Worst Fear ("Saikyo Tai Saikyo")
  43. That Which We Aim For ("Ore o Nerau Ore")
  44. Who You Will Live With ("Ikiru to wa")
  45. Christmas Earthquake ("Kurisumasu Gekishin")
  46. Farewell, Tsurugi!! ("Saraba Tsurugi!!")
  47. Rushing into the Last Chapter ("Saishusho Totsunyu")
  48. Tendou Dies!! ("Tendo Shisu!!")
  49. Path of Heaven ("Ten no Michi")

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