Synopsis : Twenty-two years after the disappearance of his father, Wataru Kurenai lives in an infamous "haunted house" where he is destined as Kamen Rider Kiva to fight life-draining monsters called Fangires, the very race his father fought years ago before his disappearance. Wataru must also deal with Kamen Rider Ixawho is part of an organization seeking to destroy the Fangire menace, as well as the Fangires' own Rider, Kamen Rider Saga. The story is split between the actions of Wataru in the present (2008) and his father Otoya in the past (1986), slowly revealing the link between the Fangire Race and Kiva.
Episodes :
- Fate: Wake Up! ("Unmei: Weiku Appu!")
- Suite: Father/Son Violin ("Kumikyoku: Oyako no Baiorin")
- Heroic: Perfect Hunter ("Eiyu: Pafekuto Hanta")
- Reverie: Wild Blue ("Muso: Wairudo Buru")
- Duet: Stalker Panic ("Nijuso: Sutoka Panikku")
- Replay: Humans are All Music ("Ripurei: Ningen wa Minna Ongaku")
- Hymn: Three Star Full Course of Darkness ("Sanka: Mitsuboshi Yami no Furukosu")
- Soul: Dragon Castle, Angered ("Souru: Doragon-jo, Ikaru")
- Symphony: Ixa, Fist On ("Kokyo: Ikusa, Fisuto On")
- Sabre Dance: Glassy Melody ("Tsurugi no Mai: Garasu no Merodi")
- Rolling Stone: Door of Dreams ("Roringu Suton: Yume no Tobira")
- First Live: Golden Speed ("Hatsu Raibu: Ogon no Supido")
- Unfinished: Daddy Fight ("Mikansei: Dadi Faito")
- Pomp and Circumstance: Thunderstrike Purple Eye ("Ifu Dodo: Raigeki Papuru Ai")
- Resurrection: Checkmate Four ("Fukkatsu: Chekkumeito Fo")
- Player: The Rules of Cruelty ("Pureiya: Hijo no Ruru")
- Lesson: My Way ("Ressun: Mai Wei")
- Quartet: Listen to Your Heart's Voice ("Karutetto: Kokoro no Koe o Kike")
- Fusion: Aura Storm ("Fyujon: Ora no Arashi")
- Nocturne: The Lovely Messiah ("Yasokyoku: Ai no Kyuseishu")
- Rhapsody: The Fate of the Ring ("Rapusodi: Yubiwa no Yukue")
- Overture: Fateful Intersection ("Jokyoku: Unmei no Kosaten")
- Variation: Fugitives Forever ("Hensokyoku: Eien no Tobosha")
- Emperor: Golden Fever ("Kotei: Goruden Fiba")
- Fanfare: The Queen's Awakening ("Fanfare: Joo no Mezame")
- Metronome: Miraculous Memory ("Metoronomu: Kioku no Kiseki")
- 80's: Angry Rising Blue ("Eitizu: Ikareru Raijingu Buru")
- Request: Time-Altering Battle ("Rikuesuto: Toki o Kaeru Tatakai")
- When the Saints Go Marching In: I am King ("Seija no Koshin: Ware koso Kingu")
- Curtain Raising: Kiva's Identity ("Kaien: Kiba no Shotai")
- Applause: Motherly Dedicated Transformation ("Kassai: Haha ni Sasageru Henshin")
- New World: Another Kiva ("Shinsekai: Mo Hitori no Kiba")
- Supersonic: Saga's Fight ("Supasonikku: Tatakai no Saga")
- Noise: Melody of Destruction ("Noizu: Hakai no Senritsu")
- New Arrangement: Flying Rose ("Nyu Arenji: Hisho no Bara")
- Revolution: Sword Legend ("Kakumei: Sodo Rejendo")
- Triangle: Behead the King ("Toraianguru: Kingu ga Kiru")
- Erlking: Mother and Child Reunion ("Mao: Haha to Ko no Saikai")
- Shout: Targeted Brother ("Shauto: Nerawareta Kyoai")
- Encore: Nago Ixa Explosively Returns ("Ankoru: Nago Ikusa Bakugen")
- Lullaby: Release the Heart ("Rarabai: Kokoro o Tokihanate")
- The Power of Love: The King's Anger ("Pawa Obu Rabu: O no Ikari")
- Wedding March: Time of Parting ("Kekkon Koshinkyoku: Wakare no Toki")
- Punk: Back to Father ("Panku: Bakkutu Faza")
- With You: Final Transformation ("Wizuyu: Saigo no Henshin")
- Full Stop: Farewell, Otoya ("Shushifu: Saraba Otoya")
- Break the Chain: Obey Me! ("Bureiku za Chen: Ware ni Shitagae!")
- The Inheritors of Kiva ("Finare: Kiba o Tsugu Mono")
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